Is adobe photoshop elements 5.0 compatible with windows 10
Is adobe photoshop elements 5.0 compatible with windows 10

It is bad publicity for Windows 10S among consumers, so that's a negative, but ultimately it does still play into Microsoft's plan to get developers to develop for the Store. It also serves as a notice to developers to be sure that their apps run properly on Windows 10S, all of which feeds into MS' strategy. That's bigger than just fixing that one app.

is adobe photoshop elements 5.0 compatible with windows 10 is adobe photoshop elements 5.0 compatible with windows 10

This failure for Adobe Elements to work on 10S, seems to be evidence that the first part of the strategy is working - Adobe is now working with MS to make this app work as a straight Store app. With more people running a version of Windows that requires Store support, developers finally have an incentive to support the Store, which otherwise, they wouldn't.

is adobe photoshop elements 5.0 compatible with windows 10

It's just a business strategy - MS wants to increase support for the Store and compete with low-priced Chrome Books, so they put out a version of Windows they give away for free that starting with the Fall Creators Update will run on sub $200 ARM systems (and higher end x86 systems too). I don't understand what this has to do with fans or anti-MS people.

Is adobe photoshop elements 5.0 compatible with windows 10